Monday, July 11, 2011

day 1, week 2

I just got back from my first run of week 2. For anyone who isn't familiar with the c25k program it looks something like this:

5 minute warm-up walk
90 second run
2 minute walk
alternate for 20 minutes
5 minute cool down walk

so, it's a total of 30 minutes.

I felt good this morning. strong. I ran with my head up and shoulders back. and I ran through!

Official stats:

Distance: 1.9 miles (not quite as far as last week)
Walk pace: 17:49/mile
Run pace: 13:41/mile (not great, not horrible)

I felt: motivated and strong
The weather was: 79 degrees with a nice breeze
Best song(s) from playlist: Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger by Daft Punk

Week 2 Weigh-in: -.5 lbs. (yes, a half of a pound, but I will take what I can get!)
Total lost: .5 lbs.

Only 88 days until the BIG DAY. I'm using this little bit of inspiration to keep me going.

Happy Monday!


  1. Good Job and keep it up! Dont give up I know that the 1st week is easy because you are all into it then it gets tough! :) Have a great monday!

  2. Stopping by from Jenna's...sounds like you are doing well, keep up the great work!
