Tuesday, July 5, 2011

the plan

The race: Lake Joe Pool Pumpkin Run

The date: October 8, 2011

photo via

Before I go to bed tonight I will set my alarm for 6:15 am. I am going to get up before anyone else in my house, and go for a run. Well, a run/walk, if you will. I am officially starting the Couch to 5k program and beginning my training to run my very first 5k! I'm excited and nervous. Motivated and scared. But, this has been on my to do list for far too long, and I am determined to accomplish my goal.

Along with training for the 5k, I am trying to get healthy and lose some weight. I will be doing weight watchers as well as training, and doing other forms of exercise (30 Day Shred, Hip Hop Abs, etc.) on my "rest days". I am so looking forward to feeling better about myself!

This blog is sort of a way to keep me accountable. I'll blog every day with my C25K run stats, or I'll talk about whatever form of exercise I did that day. I'll also share any health blogs or articles I come across, and maybe even a few recipes!

Thanks for following along! Please feel free to leave any tips or recipes you're loving right now in the comments!


  1. incredible! I'm proud of you love!

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog!! :) I'm doing WW too...are you going to meetings? I'm going to look into this 5k in October...I might have to join you!! :)

  3. So exciting and inspiring! I'll definitely be following along! I've added you to my team mates blog roll. Thanks for finding me!

    Small Sarah
