Wednesday, July 6, 2011

day 1, week 1

I just got back from my first run. I feel awesome! I ran every time I was supposed to, and never felt like I was going to die. Which is a victory in my book. I actually tried to start the C25k program a few months ago, and the first few days I couldn't run every time. So, I'm feeling great this morning!

Official stats:

Distance: 2.1 miles
Walk pace: 16:11/mile
Run pace: 13:55/mile (could use a little more speed I think)

I felt: awesome!
The weather was: 76 degrees, perfect
Best song from playlist: Encore by Jay-z

My little guy is still asleep, so I'm going to enjoy some quiet time and some coffee.

Day one: DONE!

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic! Way to go! Enjoy that coffee and some well deserved quiet time.
