Wednesday, August 17, 2011

say what?

so, i started a new job today. yeah, i didn't know i was looking either. i happened upon a job listing on craigslist monday afternoon, emailed about it, interviewed yesterday and started today.

say what?

i'm a 2 year old teacher at a mother's day out. it's 6 hours on tuesdays and thursdays, and jackson gets to go to school there for free. win/win/win! we started training and classroom set up today and tomorrow, and school starts on september 1st. I'm so excited! i can bring in a little extra money, and save some on school (because we were paying for him to go to a different school) and i get out of the house 2 days a week. it's funny how some things just work out.

onto the topic at hand. i skipped posting last night, but i did do yoga. i hadn't done it in a few weeks, so it was tough, but it felt great. i really enjoy yoga. i do the biggest loser weight loss yoga dvd and really makes me sweat!

today i started week 4 of the couch to 5k. and yikes. i was nervous going in, so i don't know if i just freaked myself out, but it was a tough one! this is what it looked like:

5 minute warm-up walk

3 minute run
90 second walk
5 minute run
2.5 minute walk
3 minute run
90 second walk
5 minute run

5 minute cool-down walk

FIVE MINUTES. twice. but, i totally did it! i'm still pretty slow, but i never lost my pace, and it's still on par with my past runs.

but MY SHINS. they're dead to me. they honestly hurt a lot worse when I walk. and hurt they do. ouch! again, stretching really well when I got home seemed to loosen them up, but man. those walks were tougher than the runs because of the pain! i don't stretch before i run, so next time i'll try that and see if that helps. cross your fingers!

Official stats:

Distance: 2.13 miles
Walk pace: 17:02/mile
Run pace: 

I felt: nervous. and then lots of shin pain half way through.
The weather was: Hot and breezy.
Best song(s) from playlist: moves like jagger by maroon 5 and smile by lily allen

I think I may take a few days off from blogging. we have a lot going on the next week or so. I will be staying on track! catch ya on the flip.