Thursday, July 7, 2011

day 2, week 1

y'all. I totally did it. I did the 30-day shred when the boy went down for his nap, and after he went to bed tonight,  I did my run. I am stoked about this! two workouts in one day...a week ago I wasn't even close to getting anywhere near one workout. So, this is a step in the right direction. The first 10 minutes of my run I wasn't sure if I was up for it. It was still close to 100 degrees out and I didn't feel like my legs would go, but I pushed a little harder, and got it done. A little increase in walk pace, and a little decrease in run speed. I think I pushed too hard the first half, and was at a slow jog the 2nd half. I'll try to manage my energy better tomorrow. I'm still patting myself on the back right now...

Here's the proof...

Official stats:

Distance: 2.1 miles
Walk pace: 15:45/mile
Run pace: 14:21/mile (a little slower than yesterday, but it's only my 2nd day!)

I felt: not great at first, but so proud that I pushed through.
The weather was: HOT! 97 degrees.
Best song from playlist: Beggin' by Madcon

Now I'm off to shower, and to wind down for the evening. Hot tea & The Hunger Games. 

6:15 will come long as I hear my alarm.

1 comment:

  1. I found your blog through the blog hop, and I'm excited about your journey. I'd love to run a 5k...and the hubs and I went on a 4 mile walk tonight. Hoping to get my baby weight off while getting in shape. Keep at it!


    Twitter @confidentblog
