Wednesday, July 20, 2011

the shins

not the band, although, they're great. but I'm talking about my shins. they're being mean to me. or maybe I'm being mean to them? I'm not sure. But either way, they're-a-hurtin'.


I ended up doing the shred again last night (twice in one day! I'm patting myself on the back as we speak), and after the 2nd round, I was in some P-A-I-N. There's not a huge amount of running or running type exercises, maybe 6 minutes total, but it did me in. So, no run this morning. I'm feeling kind of sad and discouraged, because I really want to focus on my running, but it hurts too bad.

The plan is to get me some new shoes when we can, and just go from there. Until then, I think I'll try my older shoes and see if that helps. If it gets worse, I'll stick to the shred, yoga, and hip hop abs.

1 comment:

  1. I would definitely recommend new shoes. It seems expensive, I know, but it's worth the splurge to get fitted. They will analyze your gait and see what you need to avoid injury.
