Monday, July 18, 2011

the weekend

this weekend was not what I would call productive. well, I guess I should say Saturday wasn't...

friday Jackson and I took lunch to daddy at work. when we do that, there's relatively no nap for the boy. He falls asleep for the 20 minute car ride there, and that's it. As we drove to dinner Friday night ('s a weekly thing around here) I was shocked to see that he had fallen asleep in his carseat. This boy will fight to the death to stay awake. I was even more shocked when he continued sleeping until we woke him up about 10 minutes before we left the restaurant. Good news is, it made for a nice, adult dinner date...just with a sleeping toddler in the booth.


Saturday we hung around in our pj's until after naptime. Then in the afternoon we loaded up and went to a bounce house place in the mall. This was our first visit, and for $6 and lots of energy burned, I'd say we will definitely be going back. Jackson had a blast!

We had Italian food for dinner, and after that I forced myself to do this yoga dvd. It felt awesome. 

Sunday morning I had a photo shoot with a super cute little 1 year old boy, and then we hit brunch. The rest of the day was actually busy and productive. I got the meal plan for the week together, went to the grocery store, did some laundry (with lots of help from my guys!), and hubs even got some organizing done. All in all, it was a laid back weekend. And it was good.

Today is my official weigh-in day and I'm down another pound. It's a little less than I was hoping for, but we went out for lunch and dinner all weekend, so I'll take what I can get. Good news is I'm down 5 whole pounds! I even got my cute little 5lb star on my weight watchers tracker!

I didn't get up and run this morning, but after the boy goes to bed I will be hitting the neighborhood hard. Wish me new running shoes yet. I hope my shins are nice to me! I'll be back tonight with my stats.

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